Is e aon de na prìomh bhuannachdan a tha a 'de bhuannachdan bho leabhar màileid àbhaisteach àbhaisteach an sìmplidheachd an sìmplidh agus a ghabhas cleachdadh. With more than 10 years of industry experience, our company knows the importance of providing customers with suitable models based on their actual needs. Tha an sgioba de eòlaichean againn coisrigte a thaobh ath-ghairm ...
Pallet jacks also can be called pallet trucks,pallet trolley,pallet mover or pallet lifter etc.It is a tool which used for load different kinds of pallets in warehouse,plant,hospital,anywhere that need cargo transfer use. Leis gu bheil diofar sheòrsaichean de jacks maillet ann, ...
You might meet some problem when using a hand pallet truck,this article,can help you solve most problems you might have and give you correct guide to using a pallet truck safty and long lifespan. 1. Duilgheadasan ola uisgeachaidh thoir sùil air an ìre ola gach sia mìosan. Tha an dreuchd ola mu 0.3l ...